acoustical refraction câu
The Palace 110S has excellent acoustical properties.Palace 110S có các đặc tính cách âm thanh tuyệt vời. Nos. 1,769,519; 6,443,258; 7,...

in every refraction of sunlight.Trong mọi trường hợp cắt khoanh, rực ánh sáng mặt trời The refraction index of ice (1.31) is lower tha...

abnormal refraction
“The air is locally heated or cooled to create an abnormal refraction of light that displays the necessary information on top of the sc...

acoustical ceiling
Acoustical ceiling (drop ceiling, suspended ceiling)Loại áp trần (Under Ceiling, Ceiling suspended)

acoustical engineering
HH72/H722 BEng/MEng (Hons) Acoustical Engineering (3/4 years)H722 MEng/Beng (Hons) Kỹ thuật Âm học (4/3 năm) The application of acoust...

acoustical feedback
Bosch has also developed the Simulated Acoustical Feedback Exposure SAFE test to demonstrate that they can withstand two times their ra...

acoustical image
We can see the acoustical image of emotion in the Romantic melody of a lied: its length seems intended for sustaining emotion, building...

acoustical oceanography
Important contributions to acoustical oceanography have been made by:Những đóng góp quan trọng cho hải dương học âm thanh đã được thực ...

acoustical quality
People are talking, background noise or sound and architectural design of the restaurant itself impacts the overall acoustical quality ...

acoustical tile
Nos. 1,769,519; 6,443,258; 7,364,015; 7,851,057; and 7,862,687 for discussion of ingredients and methods for making acoustical tile.Khố...

angle of refraction
Since the angle of refraction is β, Snell's law gives usVì góc khúc xạ là β , Định luật Snell cho chúng ta When the angle of incidence...

atmospheric refraction
Cold weather increases the amount of atmospheric refraction, so in a particularly frosty location such as Antarctica people have been a...

double refraction
If you see rainbow colors, that's a sign of double refraction.Nếu bạn thấy ánh lên màu cầu vồng, đó là dấu hiệu của sự phản chiếu gấp đ...

index of refraction
And here is how the Fresnel IOR or Index of Refraction works.Và sau đây là cách mà thông số Fresnel IOR hay Index of Refraction hoạt độ...

optical refraction
"Principles of Optical Refraction.""Căn Bản của Khúc Xạ Thị Giác." And when the optical refraction index of the first LCD panel is not...

refraction index
The refraction index of ice (1.31) is lower than that of liquid water.Chỉ số khúc xạ của băng (1.31) thấp hơn lượng nước. And when the...